• 8 AUGUST 2023

    12 universities met at the hybrid meeting on 27-30 June 2023 hosted by the University of Hradec Králové, Czech Republic to discuss next steps of the alliance and to establish governing structure. Representatives of the universities took partner in various workshops that will help to path the way towards stronger and more efficient collaboration.

    The fundamental purpose of EURESTRA is to create a European University that opens space for the responsible transformation of European higher education and society, in a global context. Our responsible European campus comprising twelve HE institutions and our global educational network expands EURESTRA’s transnational impact in innovative thematic areas of social, cultural, economic, technological and ecological relevance through a focus on multiple diversity and inclusion, multilingualism, equity and sustainability. As well as democracy, fundamental rights and academic freedom.

    The participants of the meetings planned activities of the next academic year and discussed the following subjects:

    • Governance, Legal Issues and Infrastructure;
    • Campus & Erasmus + Mobility;
    • Academic Collaboration;
    • Summer School 2024;
    • Communication;
    • Think Tank, Outreach and Dissemination;
    • Societal Outreach, Sustainability and Entrepreneurship.

    We are proud to announce that inaugural sessions of Governing Board, Executive Board, Management Board, Academic Council and Student Council took place as well and the next meetings are scheduled for September 2023.  

    More about EURESTRA